Contacto/ Keep in Touch

53d71920-e91d-4cab-88cd-e8f84615337bInformación de contacto/ Contact info 

Para agendar una plática, conferencia o asistir a algún taller o curso, por favor contáctame por correo.

To schedule a talk, conference or attend a workshop or course, please write me an email.


Redes Sociales/ Social Media:

Instagram: @anaharomx
Twitter: @anaharomx
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: ANA HARO: Emotional Health for Women and Kids

Subscríbete al NEWSLETTER/ You are welcome to my NEWSLETTER:

Tendrás información útil, oportuna y confiable. Te enterarás de eventos, cursos, talleres y más. Vas a tener la primicia y acceso a descuentos.

You will have useful, timely and reliable information. You will find out about events, courses, workshops and more. You will be the first to know and you will have access to discounts.

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